Deloitte Entrepreneurship Challenge


RideOn, the winning team of the Deloitte Entrepreneurship Challenge

The Deloitte entrepreneurship challenge was played with over 40 teams of +/- 4 members. We were appointed at the head of a virtual company of which we had to assume management and make decisions in all relevant business areas: purchasing, price policy, marketing, HR, and finance. Decisions had to be made over a total of 7 periods. The company evolved in a virtual market where the decisions of one team affected the sales performance of other teams. As such we were in direct competition with the other teams in this challenge.

Each week the participants gathered at one of the Deloitte offices and played 2 periods. At the end of the 3 weeks, 20 top ranking teams were selected for the final where they could play the 7th period and pitch their company to a panel of investors (the jury, composed of people from Deloitte).

It was a tough competition but thanks to our long-term based decisions, we managed to finish as market leader at the end of the 7th (and final) period.

During the pitch, we were able to show our strong financial performance while gaining a substantial share of the market. We impressed the jury by showing them our well thought, out-of the box plans for the future (which cannot be disclosed as that would be unfair to future participants). Our plans were always backed with the necessary sources and/or numbers. Our team received a score of 39/40 for our pitch which ranked us first for the pitch portion of the competition.

The virtual game score and the pitch score were brought together to select the team that would fly to New-York.

You can find our adventures in New York at the following blog : Since new editions of the challenge have occurred, you might have to scroll a few pages to find the 2013 edition.

Recap video of the competition :

Video of our trip in New-York