On a more personal note…

I asked two of my closest friends to write a short description about me. This is what they came up with :


Marine, Friend since 2002

“Jump as if you had wings. That’s more or less what Jean-Luc did all his life.
He was 16 and integrated for 4 years in high school when he said, “I want to study something I like,” and decided to change schools. He remarkably became President after only one year in his new environment. Meanwhile, he maintained close connections with his friends from the first school (like me, an old dinosaur whom he met at 12 years old).
He grew up in an environment that told him to follow a certain path but decided to choose his own and study. Going on as he did, with an endless appetite for knowledge and understanding of the world, he grasped every opportunity along the way while staying connected to the people he once knew.
Nowadays, Jean-Luc is the guy who seems shy and serious, wearing suits most of the time while being the salsa dancer on Saturday nights or the VIP that seems to know everyone in the room.
Coming from nowhere, but knowing where to go. A man that is as simple as he is complex. I have never met anyone else like him. He is definitely the only one I know who built himself pretty and powerful wings.”


Félicien, Friend since 2003

“Ever since I have known Jean-Luc, what surprised me the most in him is the fact that he knows what he wants and has an ability to make the right choices to achieve it. He reflects in a rational manner and raises all contingencies before making a decision. Another trait of Jean-Luc is that he wants to optimize everything in order to improve performance.
He is a social person who is confident and who empowers others by believing in them. He is not afraid of sharing his opinion with people. When we spend time together, he always has an unconventional idea to make things funny.
To end this short description, I would say that Jean-Luc is someone ambitious and determined with whom I have past the most improbable moments… believe me.”


I also want to share with you two videos that inspired me and illustrate the mindset by which I live: